Education fulfills the needs of entire human life. Now a day, it’s treated as a human
right and the later past decades it became the part of fundamental rights also. ‘Education for
all’ is not a new concept to our nation. To assure the aforesaid objective, The Government of
India had formulated an Act called ‘Right to Education Act’ in the year 2009, and which
became operational from 1st April 2010 onwards. The RTE Act has its own implication to the
parents, teachers, school authorities and the educational policy makers. As part of modern
educational needs the teachers have to play very crucial role to mould up the children both in
respect of curricular and co curricular activities. It’s clear that, a teacher should be the first
person to know the rights of children’s and the second most position to the teacher trainees.
This concept ought to be the teachers to channelize whole bit of knowledge related to RTE Act
and its related journals and it may equips the teachers to accomplish their profession more
responsible and effective manner. This study is an attempt to analyze and interpret the ‘RTE
Act and its impact among the Teacher Students in Wayanad district, Kerala’. This title had
taken by the investigator as a main stream for the entire study. The data were collected from
8 colleges in Wayanad District. This includes University Centers and Private institutions.
Total 200 samples were selected,100 from secondary level and 100 from primary level.
Analysis and interpretation of data has been made with the mean, median and mode, t-test
and standard deviation.